Recipe : Fresh Turmeric and Mango chutney/pickles


Turmeric is a root which not only gives colour to the food but also have so many medicinal properties and is not only used in Indian cooking but also used in many ayurvedic medicines and beauty products worldwide. It is anti-inflammatory,anti-fungal, antibacterial, helps in the treatment of cancer,diabetes,Alzheimer, cold and cough, cuts and to cure many more health problems.


200g sugar (I used organic coconut sugar as it has lower glycemic index)

50ml cider vinegar

100g fresh turmeric, peeled

About 600g raw mangoes (weight with stones, about 5-6 mangoes)

Zest and juice of 2 limes

30g ginger, finely grated

8 cardamom pods, husks discarded and seeds crushed

2 tsp. mustard seeds

2 tsp. nigella seeds

2 tsp. fenugreek seeds

2 tsp. fennel seeds

1/2 tsp. crushed rock salt

About 50ml ghee or olive oil (and about 2 tbsp. extra mustard seeds, if liked)



Begin by roughly chopping the mangoes, leaving the skin on.  Slice the turmeric into thin batons.

Over a medium heat, dissolve the sugar with the vinegar.  Once dissolved, add the mango and turmeric, bring just to a boil, then add the spices, salt, and lime zest and juice, and simmer for twenty to thirty minutes, until the mango has begun to soften (and your kitchen smells amazing.)

Meanwhile, pour the oil into a frying pan, throw in the mustard seeds, and heat over a medium heat until the mustard seeds start to sizzle.  Remove from the seat as soon as this happens, then allow to cool a little before straining to remove the seeds.  Obviously, take care – hot oil can be dangerous!

Spoon your pickle into sterilised jars (this recipe made me two medium sized jars), pressing it down as you go to avoid large air bubbles, then pour over the still warm oil (enough to cover the pickle.)  Pop on the lids, then allow to cool before storing in the fridge.

This simple Turmeric chutney goes so well with many dishes and stay fresh in the fridge for a while.




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