Stages of Pregnancy holistic way - all you need to know
A holistic or spiritual pregnancy begins with self-awareness and a true heart commitment to your personal reality. It requires a wealth of love, compassion, authenticity, forgiveness, and letting go. It is how you feel inside about yourself. How aware you are of your body and mind. It is also having the ability to investigate how personal beliefs and emotional patterns create a birthing experience. Creating such a pregnancy takes personal awareness in understanding the greatness of the universal connection to all things from within. It is something that is not attained by accident, nor something that can be purchased or forced. It is moving into unknown experiences and trusting in the process of life.
Education of the child starts during pregnancy. This is the period when the child’s form and the structure of its body are being built. It is of utmost importance what feelings, moods, thoughts and food the mother allows and uses during this period! These will affect the face and physical body of the future human, which will be a reflection of his/her inner qualities of character.
The Master Beinsa Douno says” through the foods she consumes(physical and mental) the mother defines the future of her child. During pregnancy, the mother should be in the most auspicious conditions: she needs to eat healthy, clean foods as shown bellow while in a positive mood. She should never eat late before bed. She needs to breath deeply, and to think and feel positively. During the stage of pregnancy, the woman is highly sensitive, receptive and imaginative, she needs to create and focus on the most noble, refined and beautiful images, activities, and pleasures. She needs to take morning walks, to observe picturesque views in Nature, to walk in gardens with aromatic and beautiful flowers and fruits trees, where life s growing in abundance.
The pregnant woman needs purity-physical and spiritual, and what is more pure than Nature? She needs to visit clean springs and rivers, and their clean waters should be a reflection of her life. The quiet pleasant nights with a sky full of millions twinkling stars, are also a wonderful environment for the pregnant woman. The woman should educate the child from the womb, where the child has all the conditions to receive impressions, after birth it starts processing these impressions. Therefore the woman’s thoughts and intellectual interests should not be ignored. The most beautiful and uplifting literature should be food for her brain-the lives of wise and great men and saints, inspirational and lofty poetry,. Gentle and melodious music and songs should sound in her environment occasionally, but quietude and peace are also most necessary.
If you the mother wants to give birth a genius child, she should listen to the most sublime and noble music(classical is one such choice). The ancient Greeks were surrounding the pregnant woman only with most beautiful pieces of art, music and views. The woman should not be in a bad emotional state during this period. If she gets easily angry, depressed or insulted by others who have upset her, this will reflect negatively on the child. The mother who allows anger, nervousness, worry, sadness, spite, resentment or gossip(judgment on others)often during the 9 months, should not expect to bear a saint or a very balanced human soul. Children carried in such conditions rarely have loving relationships with their parents and later other people. Many addictions, alcoholism,criminal and antisocial inclinations are also born within the wombs of unhappy, angry, negative or worried mothers. Therefore when the woman conceives she should become a priestess of pure, high minded and noble life! If by any means you struggle with moods or personal life, Bush and Bach flower remedies do a wonder to upset mind. Also homeopathic remedies are safe during whole pregnancy & breastfeeding. Always a big help.
Lets have a look at all stages of pregnancy from Naturopathic/ Ayurvedic persfective: If you’ve never been pregnant or are in the very early stages, you’ll likely be feeling slightly overwhelmed at the sheer volume of information that’s available from apps, the internet, and the well-meaning mums that want to fill you up with anecdotal evidence of what to expect when you’re expecting. Every pregnancy is different and can be challenging in many ways. Always seek professional advice from your health care professional if needed! Bach flower Rescue remedy helps if you feel anxious.
A normal pregnancy usually lasts about 40 weeks, counting from the first day of a woman's last menstrual period, which is about two weeks before conception actually occurs.
Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. Each of these periods lasts between 12 and 13 weeks.
During each trimester, changes take place in a pregnant woman's body as well as in the developing fetus, and a summary of these changes will be described below.
Ayurveda is a traditional system of healing that concentrates not only on the physical body, but also goes beyond the understanding of consciousness. It is said that the human body is composed of panchamahabhutas. When a person is in darkness, the panchamahabhutas residing in tridoshas are disrupted. To bring back the equilibrium to the dosha, agni, dhatu, mala, and to have mental happiness, freshness of sense organs and good spiritual intellect, ayurveda should be practised as suggested in classical texts.
As Dylan said, according to Ayurvedic principles: “The major theme during pregnancy is to balance vata, the energy of the nervous system. This is because the growth of the foetus and the process of giving birth is governed by Apana-Vata, the downward moving Sub-dosha of Vata. In cases of stress and tiredness, the upward-moving vata – called prana vata – has to step in and is redirected downward to support the needs of the baby. Lack of prana means lack of joyful feelings of pregnancy, which can leave the mum exhausted, depleted, tired and even depressed postpartum.”
All 3 of your doshas are aggravated by the significant transition of pregnancy.
Correcting imbalances while pregnant is much easier than once the child is born! Of course it would be ideal if the woman could balance the doshas before conception.
And reduce EMF-electromagnecit field expose! Wireless devices emit signals (EMF) that comununicate with our mitochondria and cause mitochondrial dysfunction, which is a birth for many diseases. It also generates free radicals, dehydrates our body and thrashes our adrenal stress index. You definitely don’t want to expose your vulnerable foetus to EMFs. Mainstream medicine already knows this by restricting x-rays etc., but has not yet realised the danger of wireless devices like mobile phones, laptops, wifi etc.
Conception and implantation
About two weeks after a woman has her period, she ovulates and her ovaries release one mature egg. The egg can be fertilized for 12 to 24 hours after it's released as it travels down the fallopian tube toward the uterus.
If an egg meets up with a sperm cell that has made its way into the fallopian tube, it combines into one cell, a process that's known as fertilization or conception.
At fertilization, the sex of the fetus is already determined, depending on whether the egg receives an X or Y chromosome from a sperm cell. If the egg receives an X chromosome, the baby will be a girl; a Y chromosome means the baby will be a boy. Please read more about conception and moon cycles in previus article here
Few Tips for healthy eating in pregnancy in my Clinic:
1. Eat well balanced diet. Make fresh, simple choices from the main food groups-eat a variety of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, healthy fats and water.
2. Eat foods in or as close to their natural wholesome state as possible. The les food is tapered with the more goodness it will retain, meaning you gain maximum nutrition from what you eat. Whole foods also contain the correct mix of enzymes for breakdown and absorption.
3. Fresh is best. Avoid processed foods whenever possible. Nutritional content is depleted during processing and these foods often contain hidden additives and preservatives. Putting a greater demand on your digestive system. Stick to unrefined and fresh produce.
4. Invest in good quality produce. You will taste the difference and find little or no need to add salt, sugar or fat for flavor.
5. Eat and buy foods in season, when they are at their nutritional peak and much cheaper. Supermarkets stock most produce year round. A reliable indicator for seasonal produce can be price; it generally drops during peak season. Use this rule for fresh fruit and vegetables as well as for meat and fish. Enjoy lamb during springtime and ask your fishmonger what fish species are in season and at their best before purchasing.
6. Eat a variety of foods. Experts claim eating 37 different types of food per day will ensure a complete balance of all the essential nutrients. It sounds a lot but you might be surprised at how many you already eat. Here are some ways this can be done:
- Mix up grains. Don't have bread with every meal. Choose from rice, pasta, legumes, oats and barley, or a combination of grains in natural muesli. These all contain less salt then bread. If you just cant live without your daily bread, vary your choices - mixed grain, rye, spelt, pita and flatbreads.
- Veg out. There are endless choices available today. Enjoy a mix of green, yellow and red vegetable every day, both raw and cooked. Stir-fries and salads are a great way to achieve this.
- Get fruity. Be more adventurous than the apple, orange or banana. Fruit salads are the perfect way to eat fruit.
- Go for colour. This is natures way of ensuring you make the best nutritional choices, Deep, rich, naturally coloured foods are often the most nutritious. Rich, red tomatoes boast loads of vitamin C. The darker the meat the higher level of iron. Beef and lamb have more iron per gram than chicken or fish. Include fruits and vegetables of every colour on your plate at every meal.
7. Fuel your body wisely. It is important to make nutritionally wise choices, such as low GI foods.
8. Get the full nutritional benefits from your food. Food must be broken down and digested before your body can absorb its goodness. To do this you need the correct balance of enzymes and digestive aids. These are found in vitamins and minerals and are best sourced from food rather then supplements. Or ask your Practitioner about good supplement without nasty fillers and with clinical trials.
9. Avoid losing nutrients in food. Water-soluble vitamins (c and B group, especially folate) can be lost during transit, storage and cooking. So:
- eat foods raw whenever possible
- make fresh choices when buying ingredients - avoid vegetable with limp or rubbery leaves, blemishes on fruit (can indicate bacteria), and select fish with shiny scales and clear eyes.
- Do not wash or cut fruit and vegetables to store them - wash thoroughly just prior to use and prepare as close to serving time as possible.
- Eat the most nutritionally perishable foods of your weekly shopping first - fish, chicken and then red meat: leafy greens such as kale, spinach and broccoli, then fruits, including tomatoes, followed by root vegetables such as potatoes and carrots.
- Use minimal water when cooking - steam, grill or bake.
10. Read labels.
Many foods are not what they seem. Sugar, salt and chemicals and preservatives are hidden in more foods than you would probably imagine. Even heath foods such as dried fruits can be laced with preservative 220 (sulphur dioxide) to maintain shelf-life. Don't be fooled by manufacturers appealing claims. Canned foods are a particular concern, especially canned fish, tomatoes, legumes and cooking stock. These usually contain high levels of salt ( under the disguise of sodium). Opt for salt-reduced or no added salt brands. "all natural" or No preservative" statement do not ensure you are purchasing a healthy product. Sugar and salt are natural products and can be disguised under many names. The term "light" can mean light on flavor rather then calories, e.g. olive oil. And "low fat" may just be lower then its high-fat competitors. Or contain more sugar for taste as in yoghurt. Ingredients must be listed in order of their proportion in the product, beginning with the highest. If honey, glucose or sucrose tops the list of your breakfast cereal, you are starting the day with and unhealthy bowl of sugar.
Nausea/ morning sickness
Morning sickness is the most talked about symptom of the first trimester. It usually subside by the second trimester, but for a few unfortunate mums-to-be, it can continue for the entire pregnancy. Despite its name, morning sickness can occur at any time of the day.
Surprisingly, food will help to overcome and relieve nausea. It is not certain what causes nausea during pregnancy, although low blood sugar level can certainly trigger it. Preventing nausea is without a doubt the best way of dealing with it. You can do tis by eating small, regular meals or grazing on nutritious snacks to maintain blood sugar levels.
Obstetrician claims that well-nourished women are generally less inclined to suffer from nausea, particularly those with a diet rich in the B-group vitamins. Vitamin B2, B6 and B12 are very good for treating nausea and preventing the condition all together. Food rich in these vitamins include bread, rice, cereals, legumes, nuts, organic eggs, and lean meat, chicken, fish, green leafy vegetables, milk and yogurt.
Tips for overcoming nausea include:
- eating small, regular meals
- avoiding fried, fatty, spicy or sugary foods - in instance "spicy" means chilli or dramatic heat- inducing spices, spices such as cumin, fennel, ginger, coriander and turmeric (avoid in excess in first trimester) are invaluable when it comes to dealing with nausea and digestive problems.
- Increasing complex carbohydrates and combining with high- protein foods, ie buckwheat bread with hummus, chicken noodle/vegetable soup
- Eating dry cracker upon waking and before rising- don't rush out of bed
- Drinking lots of fluid, especially fresh fruit and vegetable juices and water - fresh juices are a great way of ensuring vitamin and mineral intake if solids are proving a problem.
- Eating and drinking separately. Try not to drink with meals or solid food.
One of Dylan’s tip for nausea is also cutting the skin of unripe green lemon with your finger nail and sniffing it.
I also suggest to try homeopathic remedy Nux Vol 30C 3-4x daily if nothing else works.
In some severe cases, some women find it hard to eat anything at all. It is important to try to eat small portions to keep your energy levels up and to provide fuel for your growing baby. Vegemite or Marmite on wholegrain toast seems to be a winner and is often the only food that nauseous women can tolerate. This could be attributed to the high content of B group vitamins in both the spread and the bread. It also provides reasonable amounts of calcium and protein.
According to Ayurveda & Dylan’s article, other than the foods to avoid (caffeine& alcohol, raw meats and cheese, seafood high in mercury, spicy food and certain spices)…don’t restrict yourself to much and honour cravings.
Remember, you are eating for two body types, so you should not follow a strict diet for one body type. Honour your unique cravings in moderation, especially from the fourth month when the cravings you experience are more likely those of the baby. Include Ghee&coconut oil, warm organic milk, foods with sweet taste as its nourishing to the baby: quinoa, cooked beetroot, dates….
First trimester (weeks 1-12) changes & Ayurveda perspective
A woman will experience a lot of symptoms during her first trimester as she adjusts to the hormonal changes of pregnancy. In the early weeks, the pregnancy may not be showing much on the outside of her body, but inside many changes are taking place.
For example, human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is a hormone that will be present in a woman's blood from the time conception occurs. Levels of hCG can be detected in a woman's urine about a week after she has a missed period, and it is why a woman will have a positive result on a home pregnancy test.
Other hormonal changes can contribute to pregnancy symptoms: Rising levels of oestrogen and hCG may be responsible for the waves of nausea and vomiting known as morning sickness that a woman typically feels during her first few months of pregnancy. Despite its name, morning sickness can occur any time of day.
A woman will also feel more tired than usual during the first trimester, a symptom that's linked with rising levels of the hormone progesterone, which increases sleepiness. She may also need to urinate more frequently as her uterus grows and presses on her bladder.
Early in pregnancy, a woman's breasts will feel more tender and swollen, another side effect of rising levels of pregnancy hormones. Her areolas, the skin around each nipple, will darken and enlarge.
A pregnant woman's digestive system may slow down to increase the absorption of beneficial nutrients. But reduced mobility of the digestive system might also trigger such common complaints as heartburn, constipation, bloating and gas, according to the Office on Women's Health (OWH).
Many parts of the body will work harder during pregnancy, including a woman's heart. Her heartbeat will increase to pump more blood to the uterus, which will supply it to the fetus.
As more blood circulates to a woman's face, it will give her skin a rosier complexion, described as a "pregnancy glow."
Besides the physical changes in a woman's body, she may also experience emotional highs and lows in the early months of her pregnancy and throughout it - Bush flower Rescue Remedy can help again. These emotions may range from weepiness, mood swings and forgetfulness to fear, anxiety and excitement. A developing baby is called an embryo from the moment conception takes place until the eighth week of pregnancy.
During the first month of pregnancy the heart and lungs begin to develop, and the arms, legs, brain, spinal cord and nerves begin to form, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).
The embryo will be about the size of a pea around one month into a pregnancy, Burch said. Around the second month of pregnancy, the embryo has grown to the size of a kidney bean, he explained. In addition, the ankles, wrists, fingers and eyelids form, bones appear, and the genitals and inner ear begin to develop.
After the eighth week of pregnancy and until birth occurs, a developing baby is called a fetus.
By the end of the second month, eight to 10 of the fetus' main organs will have formed, Burch said. At this stage of pregnancy, he stressed, it's extremely important that pregnant women do not take harmful medications, such as illegal drugs. The first trimester is also the period when most miscarriages and birth defects occur.
Dylan in his Ayurvedic article also reminds us: “This month is the riskiest for miscarriage. Therefore follow all the rules and diet advice more strictly including lots of rest and avoiding stress, work, travel and sex.
Keep it a secret - Mainly for those who are first time pregnant or have been unsuccessful with conceiving or miscarriages. Ayurveda recommends this to avoid bad energy from external people, known as Dristi Dosha (“Bad Eye”).
Prop the foot end of your bed up 8cm to that you are on a slight tilt towards your head. This helps prevent miscarriage.“
During the third month of pregnancy, bones and muscles begin to grow, buds for future teeth appear, and fingers and toes grow. The intestines begin to form and the skin is almost transparent
Second trimester (weeks 13-27) changes & additional Ayurveda perspective
By the second trimester, some of the unpleasant effects of early pregnancy may lessen or disappear as a woman's body adjusts to its changing hormone levels. Sleeping may get easier and energy levels may increase.
Nausea and vomiting usually get better and go away, Burch told Live Science. But other symptoms may crop up as the fetus continues its growth and development.
Women feel more pelvic pressure, Burch said, adding that the pelvis feels heavy like something is weighing it down.
A more visible baby bump appears as the uterus grows beyond a woman's pelvis, and the skin on her expanding belly may itch as its stretches, according to the OWH.
As the fetus is getting bigger and a woman is gaining more pregnancy weight in the front of her body, she may also experience more back pain, Burch said.
Sometime between the 16th and 18th weeks of pregnancy, a first-time mother may feel the first fluttering movements of the fetus, known as quickening, Burch said. If a woman has had a baby before, she is likely to feel the fetus kicking, squirming or turning even sooner because she knows what to expect, he explained.
The 20th week usually marks the halfway point of a woman's pregnancy.
Burch encourages his patients to take a "baby-moon" — a mini-vacation or weekend getaway — during the second trimester, and he said the best time to get away is around the 28th week of pregnancy. A woman is generally feeling pretty good at this point, there's a lower risk of miscarriage and premature labor, and some health professionals may discourage airplane travel after the 36th week.
In the second trimester, the fetus is growing a lot and will be between 3 and 5 inches long, Burch said. Sometime between 18 and 22 weeks, an ultrasound may reveal the sex of the baby, if parents want to know this information in advance.
By the fourth month of pregnancy, eyebrows, eyelashes, fingernails and the neck all form, and the skin has a wrinkled appearance. In addition, during the fourth month the arms and legs can bend, the kidneys start working and can produce urine, and the fetus can swallow and hear, according to ACOG.
According to Ayurveda and Dylans article, in the fourth month the foetus’s heart is endowed with consciousness and the senses are said to develop.
This month is known as “Dhauhrda,” which means two hearts. This is because through the arteries, the heart of the foetus is connected with that of the mother. Thus, through these vessels (dhamanis), the feelings of the foetus is transferred to the mother. The mother may feel unusual desires during this period, which are probably the desires of the child. It is advisable to give a pregnant woman what ever she desires.
During this month the women should never sleep during the day as proper night sleep is essential.
In the fifth month of pregnancy, the fetus is more active and a woman may be able to feel its movements. The fetus also sleeps and wakes on regular cycles. A fine hair (called lanugo) and a waxy coating (called vernix) cover and protect the thin fetal skin.
By the sixth month of pregnancy, hair begins to grow, the eyes begin to open and the brain is rapidly developing. Although the lungs are completely formed, they don't yet function.
Third trimester (weeks 28-40) changes and additional Ayurveda perspective:
During the third trimester, as a woman's enlarged uterus pushes against her diaphragm, a major muscle involved in breathing, she may feel short of breath because the lungs have less room to expand, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. Her ankles, hands, feet and face may swell as she retains more fluids and her blood circulation slows.
A mother-to-be will need to pee more frequently because more pressure will be placed on her bladder. She may also have more backaches and more pain in the hips and pelvis, as these joints relax in preparation for delivery.
Her face may develop dark patches of skin, and stretch marks may appear on her belly, thighs, breasts and backside. She may also notice varicose veins on her legs.
In the third trimester, a woman's breasts may experience some leakage of colostrum, a yellow liquid, as they get ready for breastfeeding, according to the OWH. The baby will drop lower in her abdomen.
False labor, known as Braxton-Hicks contractions, may begin to occur as a woman gets closer to her due date. A "nesting instinct" may kick in as a mother-to-be and her partner baby-proof their home, shop for baby items, prepare the nursery and await their new arrival.
During the final weeks of pregnancy, it will become harder to find a comfortable sleeping position, so women may be extremely tired, Burch said.
As delivery approaches, some women love the experience of being pregnant, while others may feel like they can't wait for it to end, Burch said.
By the seventh month of pregnancy, the fetus kicks and stretches, and can even respond to light and sound, like music, Burch said. Eyes can open and close.
During the eighth month of pregnancy, the fetus gains weight very quickly. Bones harden, but the skull remains soft and flexible to make delivery easier. Different regions of the brain are forming, and the fetus is able to hiccup, according to ACOG.
Dylan & avurveda reminds us that 8th Month is aVital Time for Increased Rest. The 8th month is very delicate where the subtle nutrient fluid called “Ojas” that supports vitality and immunity is transferred from foetus to the mother and back and forth.
This process should not be disturbed as it can leve the baby without Ojas.
Thus, you need to get as much rest as possible and avoid what you are meant to avoid and enhance sattva.
Drinking Raspberry leaf tea will relax the uterus and prepare for opening - better baby delivery. Have a cup twice a day during whole 8month until labour (some advice even earlier).
The ninth month is the home stretch of pregnancy, and the fetus is getting ready for birth by turning into a head-down position in a woman's pelvis. The lungs are now fully mature to prepare for functioning on their own. The fetus continues to gain weight rapidly.
Dylan with his ayurvedic perspective gives us a good tips for Baby entering the world:
Sukha Prasava Ghritam ("Easy to Deliver Ghee") - A medicated ghee to help prepare the body for birth and the quicken the delivery and make it smoother.
Dose: 2tsp 2x/day before meals or with hot milk. Available from Vital Veda.
Small Nourishing Enemas "Matra Basti" - Can be given every second day for women that are healthy. 25ml before sleep and retain to absorb. This is to reduce the vata, strengthen the system and nourish the foetus with another lubricating fluid that is medicated.
*Quality matra basti oil should only be used such as Vital Veda's/Raju's Special Matra Basti Oil or Deva 21 Oil.
Research studies have concluded that an easy birth is highly dependant on a relaxed mind. Thus, surrendering the process of labour is key to a quick birth, as well as meditation.
How to bring on labour (if not coming)
Dylan suggests Abdominal massage - Using a medicated ghee called “Sukha Prasava Ghritam” or normal ghee (inferior), apply the ghee on the stomach and massage slowly and lightly in a clockwise direction downward towards the vagina.Ensure you are taking Sukha Prasava Ghritam (“easy to deliver ghee”) ad eat more cumin and leafy vegetables.
In homeopathy If the baby is overdue, one of the remedies I suggest to induce labour naturally alternating the remedies Caulophyllum 12C and Cimicifuga 12C, given once every hour.
Good quality Magnesium supplements are safe to take during all stages of pregnancy for cramping, pains and aches and sleep problems.
Herbs and spices during whole preganacy:
Fresh herbs are often underestimated and worth more than a casual appearance as a garnish. Herbs can flavor foods and totally transform a meal. They have substantial nutritional value and many health benefits. They assist with digestive problems, lower cholesterol, stimulate appetite, help prevent disease, nourish the liver and have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and are rich in antioxidants.
Herbs are a healthy substitute for salt, processed sauces or saturated fats used to flavor foods. They marry well with meats in marinades (rosemary and lamb), bring the best out in fruits and vegetables (tomato and basil), are a fabulous finale to stir-fries and salads and are essential for pesto, tubule and salsas. In fact, herbs are the most pimple and tasty way of adding flavor and nutrition to any meal. Seafood particularly benefits from being cooked with herbs. The herbs act as an anti-oxidant and help to preserve essential fatty acids. Adding garlic to seafood can lower blood cholesterol.
A home herb garden is a great way to use more herbs. The are fresh, readily available and totally organic! Parsley, mint and rosemary are the easiest herbs to grow and they are absolutely brimming with nourishment. Try to eat at least one of these varieties every day. Parsley and mint can be added to fresh juices, salads and soups, with mint particularly delicious in desserts or with yogurt as a savory side dish. Rosemary, basil and thyme are just as nutritious and versatile and look grate in the garden or in pots on a windowsill. See the following table for great uses and benefits of herbs and spices:
Good for: nausea, stomach cramps, and anxiety, toning heart muscles
Used in: best eaten fresh in salads, pesto, pasta, curries, soups, bruschetta and Asian dishes; fabulous with lamb, Parmesan cheese, tomatoes and extra virgin olive oil
Good for: nausea, loss of appetite, digestion, heartburn, circulation, diarrhea, flatulence, colds and flu, antibacterial properties. Recent studies claim it may help to lower blood sugar levels.
Used in: desserts, stews, warm milk and baking as a dried and ground spice
Good for: digestion, good source of vitamin A and B-group vitamins, including folte
Used in: Asian dishes, salads, noodles, rice and couscous dishes as a fresh herb, goes ell with fish, beef, chicken, pork, yoghurt, ginger, garlic and avocado
Good for: heartburn, flatulence, lactation. Has sedative properties.
Used in: Noroccan-inspired dishes; use seed or ground spice
Good for: Calms digestion, has soothing qualities
Used in: best fresh with fish, poultry or egg dishes and in salads with beetroot, beans, cucumber and potatoes
Good for: nausea, bloating, digestion, poor appetite
Used in: seeds used in tea infusions, cakes, biscuits, baked potatoes, gresh fennel great with fish
Good for: controlling blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, maintaining healthy gut, as remedy for colds and flu
Used in: most savory dishes, good with fish, chicken, lamb, lemon, spinach, basil and parsley
Good for: nausea, stimulating appetite, blood circulation, hypertension
Used in: Asian dishes, vegetable and fruit juices, tea infusions, broths, marinades, ground spice and Spanish dishes
Good for: digestion, nausea, vomiting, circulation, heart palpitation. Can relieve stomach cramps and induce sleep
Good for: nausea
Used in: fresh nutmeg grated over cooked spinach, baked pumpkin, rice puddings or desserts made with ginger and honey
Good for: ear, nose, throat and lung infections, stimulates digestion
Used in: Italian dishes, complements fish, lamb, chicken and tomatoes, use fresh or dried
Good for: anemia, digestion, fluid retention, constipation, poor appetite, cleansing lungs, liver function, boosting immune system, useful source of iron and vitamin A
Used in: tabbouli, salads, soups, casseroles, juices, goes well with fish, beans, eggs, garlic, lemons, lentils, pasta, best eaten fresh
Good for: heart, blood clotting, and digestion, relieving indigestion and wind, rich source of antioxidants
Used in: grate with lamb, chicken, pork, bread and potatoes, use fresh rosemary when chargrilling meats to counteract cancer-causing substances
Herbs need to he handled with care. They are delicate, bruise easily and, like vegetables, are susceptible to nutritional loss during cooking and storage. If you are purchasing your herbs, wrap them in a paper towel, place in a plastic bag and then store in the fridge. Most herbs will keep for four to five days if stored correctly. Add fresh herbs just prior to serving to minimize nutritional loss.
…AND few recipes at the end:
Fennel and rocket salad
Parsley, beans and rocket are all good sources of folate. For maximum absorption, folate must be eaten with vitamin B12. Parmesan cheese does contain this nutrient, but for non vegetarian I recommend serving this salad with a vitamin B12-rich Organic lamb, chicken, pork, white fish or egg dish. Tis salad goes exceptionally well with grilled kangaroo.
100 g fresh green beans cut in half
½ fennel, finely sliced
½ cup continental parsley, finely chopped
Large handful of baby rocket leaves
½ cup fresh Parmesan cheese, thinly shaved or vegan parmesan alternative
1 tbs flaxseed oil
1 tbs balsamic vinegar
fresh cracked pepper
Steam beans for 1-2 minutes. Remove fro steamer and place into a salad bowl. Add all remaining ingredients. Top with thinly grated slices of Parmesan cheese. Whisk together the flaxseed oil and balsamic vinegar and season with black pepper. Dress salad just prior to serving.
Good source of: folate, calcium, vitamins A, B and C.
Good for mother: digestion, fluid retention, strong blood vessels, healthy skin, blood, liver and kidney function, formation of DNA and body cells.
Good for baby: early development of brain, spinal cord and central nervous system, reducing risk of bird defects, muscle contractions
Brazil nuts burgers
These burgers are delicious, versatile and very nourishing
1 cup cooked chickpeas
2 carrots, grated
2/3 cup brazil nuts
½ cup salt-reduced tamari (wheat free soy sauce)
1 egg or vegan flax egg ( 1-4 tsp flaxeed soaked in water)
½ cup lemon juice
½ cup fresh parsley, chopped
½ cup wheatgerm
Preheat oven to 180C. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Place chickpeas, carrots and nuts in food processor and blend until finely chopped. Add tamari, egg and lemon juice, and then process again. Finally, add fresh hers and wheat germ and blend to combine. If the mixture is not clinging together, add and extra tablespoon of lemon juice or water.
Mould dessertspoon scoops of the mixture into patties and place on the prepared baking tray. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown.
Serve warm with yogurt and a green salad or cold as an emergency snack.
Good source of: selenium, protein iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and B-groups, fiber, beta-carotene, essential fatty acids
Good for mother: vegetarians, fertility, fatigue, immunity, skin elasticity, hormone production, constipation, digestion, healthy blood and placenta, cell growth
Good for baby: development of brain, spine, organs and eyes, nervous and immune systems, strong bones, teeth and nails.
Spiced poached pears
Poached pears never fail to impress, which astound me considering how easy they are to make. This is a pregnant version of the classic dish.
2 large firm pears (look for pears with a flat bases)
3 cups sparkling red grape juice
1 vanilla bean, split lengthways
2 star anise
2 cinnamon sticks
5 cloves
biodynamic yogurt or coconut yogurt to serve
Peal pears, leaving stem and core intact. Pour grape juice into a medium, heavy-based saucepan. Split vanilla bean lengthways but do not scrape out seeds - sthey will com out naturally during cooking. Add vanilla dn all remaining spices to grape juice.
Place pears in the saucepan. Bring the poaching liquid to the boil and then reduce to a simmer. Cover and poach. Cooking time can be as little as 20 minutes, or as long as one hour. Obviously the longer you cook the pears the more time they will have to absorb the wonderful flavors. If you do have an hour to spare, cook the pears on the very low heat. Otherwise, 20 minutes is absolutely fine on a medium simmer. Serve with vanilla or plain yogurt. For dairy free serve with coconut yogurt.
Good source of : fibre, potassium, Vitamins A,C and B 12, calcium, protein
Good for mother: cleansing, calming and healing the digestive system, circulation, and constipation.
Good for baby: formation of healthy skin, hair, eyes, ears and external structures, nervous system.
..the end
Cari Nierenberg, LIFE Science
Additional resources
Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island: First Trimester
Mayo Clinic: Pregnancy Week by Week
Office on Women's Health: Stages of Pregnancy