I have decided to share and touch base with everyone about 12 basic Laws of universe
Read MoreThere are two types of rune sets that you can create – Oracle or Healing. Oracle runes provide guidance and answers in regards to the future. Healing runes provide guidance and empowerment for the present.
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As we transition from summer into the fall and winter seasons, flu and cold outbreaks are to be expected.
Read MorePlatonic Solids are the building blocks of all existence, including spiritual realties. … They encapsulate our understanding of the universe.
Read MoreClairvoyance means clear seeing and is a sense located at the third eye.
Read MoreSince ancient times we have seen pictures and paintings of different spiritual leaders across various traditions but one thing that is common among all of them is the halo that surrounds their head..
Read MoreMany things are taken into account first including – the state of an individual’s digestive fire, their time of life, the climate they live in, their individual constitution and their current state of imbalance to name but a few.
Read MoreThe word homeopathy comes from the Greek and means “similar suffering”. This refers to the central philosophy that substances that can produce symptoms in a healthy person can cure those symptoms in a sick person.
Read MoreThe use of crystals dates back as far as there are records of history itself. They were used in Biblical times, throughout Ancient Egypt, Rome and date to all ancient cultures.
Read MoreSprouting is the process whereby seeds are germinated and eaten either raw or cooked. Seeds of many kinds, including grasses, grains and beans, are used for sprouting. A variety of health and nutritional benefits can be obtained from sprouting.
Read MoreThe skin is the largest most important eliminative organ in the body and is responsible for one quarter of the body's detoxification each day?
Read MoreKefir is a fermented food that adds healthy bowel flora to our intestines, stabilizes digestive function, and has an extensive range of other healh benefits.
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